Book Naamkaran Pandit Ji in DLF City Phase 3 Gurgaon
Table of Contents
ToggleNaamkaran Havan(नामकरण)
नामकरण -अर्थात् ईश्वर का धन्यवाद करते हुए जन्मे हुए बालक, बालिका के दीर्घायु की प्रार्थना करते हुए सुंदर अर्थ वाला नाम रखना ही नामकरण है
कोऽसि कतमोऽसि कस्यासि को नामासि।
यस्य॑ ते नामाम॑न्महि यं त्वा सोमेनातितृपम्।
भूर्भुवः स्वः सुप्रजाः प्रजार्भिः स्यां सुवीरों वीरै: सुपोष: पोषै: !
नामकरण का काल
जिस दिन जन्म हो, उस दिन से लेके १० दिन छोड़ ११ में, वा १०१ एक सौ एक वें अथवा दूसरे वर्ष के आरम्भ में जिस दिन जन्म हो, नाम घरे ।
जिस दिन नाम घरना हो उस दिन अति प्रसन्नता (से) इष्ट मित्र हितैषी लोगों को बुला यथावत् सत्कार कर, क्रिया का आरम्भ आचार्य और यजमान बालक, बालिका का पिता करे,
नामकरण संस्कार सामग्री
हवन समग्री
1- देसी घी 500 ग्राम,
2- जौ100 ग्राम
3- काला तिल 100 ग्राम
4- गूगल 100 ग्राम
5- फल
6- फूल ,माला
7- मिठाई
8- एक सूखा नारियल ड्राई फूड वाला गोला पूर्णाहुति के लिए, एव एक जटा वाला नारियल जिसमें पानी हो,
9- धूपबत्ती, माचिस
10- कपूर,, शहद, आम का पत्ता
घर का सामान
1- चार कटोरी ,चार चम्मच
2- एक लोटा
3- चार प्लेट
4 -एक दीपक
5 – एक बड़ा कटोरा।
6 – माचिस।
1-हवन कुंड
3-हवन सामग्री
यज्ञ विधि(Yagna Vidhi)
आचार्य ईश्वरोपासना स्वस्तिवचन, शांतिकरण और सामान्यप्रकरण संपूर्ण ‘विधि विधि करके आ आघारवाजयभागाहुति 4 चार और व्याहृति आहुति 4 चार और संस्कार विधि में प्रमाण “त्वं नो अग्ने” कुल मिलाकर आठ मंत्रों से 8 आठ आहुति अर्थात सव मिलाके 16 घृताहुति करें।
तत्पश्चात् बालक, बालिका को शुद्ध (जल से) स्नान करा शुद्ध वस्त्र पहिना के उसकी माता कुण्ड के समीप बालक के पिता के पीछे से आ दक्षिण भाग में होकर, बालक का मस्तक उत्तर दिशा में रख के बालक के पिता के हाथ में देवे और स्त्री पुनः उसी प्रकार पति के पीछे होकर उत्तर भाग में पूर्वाभिमुख बैठे ।
ओम् प्रजापतये स्वाहा”
इस मन्त्र से एक आहुति देकर, पीछे जिस तिथि जिस नक्षत्र में बालक का जन्म हुआ हो उस तिथि और उस नक्षत्र का नाम लेके, उस तिथि और उस नक्षत्र के देवता के नाम से ४ चार आहुति देनी ।
अर्थात् एक तिथि, दूसरी तिथि के देवता, तीसरी नक्षत्र और चौयी नक्षत्र के देवता के नाम से, अर्थात् तिथि, नक्षत्र और उनके देवतानों के नाम के अन्त में चतुर्थी विभक्ति का रूप और स्वाहान्त बोल के ४ चार घी की आहुति देवे । जैसे किसी का जन्म प्रतिपदा और अश्विनी नक्षत्र में हुआ हो, तो-
ओं प्रतिपदे स्वाहा। ओं ब्राह्मणे स्वाहा। ओम् अश्विन्यै स्वाहा । ओम् अश्विभ्यां स्वाहा ॥
(तुलना-गोभि० गृ० प्रपा० २ । खं० ८ । सू० १२) ॥
तत्पश्चात् स्विष्टकृत् मन्त्र से एक आहुति, और ४ चार व्याहृति आहुति, दोनों मिल के ५ आहुति देके, तत्पश्चात् माता बालक को लेके शुभ आसन पर बैठे और पिता बालक के नासिका द्वार से बाहर निकलते हुए वायु का स्पर्श करके-
*तिथि-देवताः १- ब्रह्मन् । २- त्वष्ट । ३-विष्णु । ४-यम । ५-सोम । ६-कुमार । ७-मुनि । ८-वसु। ६-शिव । १०-धर्म । ११-रुद्र । १२-वायु । १३-काम । १४-अनन्त । १५-विश्वेदेव । १६-पितर ।
नक्षत्र-देवताः- अश्विनी अश्वी । भरणी-यम । कृत्तिका-अग्नि ।
रोहिणी-प्रजापति । मृगशीर्ष-सोम । आर्द्रा रुद्र । पुनर्वसु अदिति । पुष्य-बृह- स्पति । आश्लेषा-सर्प । मधा-पितृ । पूर्वाफाल्गुनी-भग । उत्तराफाल्गुनी- अर्यमन् । हस्त-सवितृ । चित्रा-त्वष्ट । स्वाति-वायु । विशाखा-इन्द्राग्नी । अनुराधा-मित्र । ज्येष्ठा-इन्द्र । मूल-निर्ऋति। पूर्वाषाढ़ा-अप् । उत्तराषाढ़ा- विश्वेदेव । श्रवण-विष्णु । घनिण्ठा-वसु । शतभिषज्-वरुण । पूर्वाभाद्रपदा
Frequently Asked Questions
“Naamkaran Sanskar” refers to the Hindu naming ceremony performed for newborn babies. It is one of the essential sacraments (sanskars) in Hindu tradition, marking the formal entry of the baby into the family and the community. The term “Naamkaran” is derived from Sanskrit, where “Naam” means “name” and “Karan” means “to make” or “to create.”
During the Naamkaran ceremony, which is typically held on the 11th day after birth, the baby is given a name chosen by the parents or elders of the family. This name is usually selected based on astrological considerations, family traditions, or the qualities that the parents wish the child to embody. The ceremony involves various rituals and prayers to bless the child and seek divine protection and guidance for their future.
The Naamkaran Sanskar is an important cultural and spiritual event, symbolizing the child’s unique identity and place within the family and society.
Namkaran Sanskar is important for several reasons:
Identity Establishment: It marks the formal recognition of the baby’s identity within the family and the community. The chosen name becomes a key aspect of the child’s individuality and personal history.
Cultural Significance: It is a significant cultural practice that connects the child to their heritage, traditions, and ancestral lineage. This ceremony helps preserve cultural continuity and instills a sense of belonging.
Blessings and Protection: The ceremony involves prayers and rituals aimed at seeking divine blessings for the child’s health, prosperity, and well-being. It is believed to invoke positive energies and protection for the child’s future.
Astrological Importance: In Hindu tradition, the name is often chosen based on astrological charts. The ceremony ensures that the child’s name aligns with their astrological signs, which is thought to influence their destiny and personality.
Social Introduction: The Namkaran ceremony serves as a social introduction of the newborn to the extended family and community. It is a joyous occasion for family members and friends to come together and celebrate the new addition to the family.
Spiritual Connection: It signifies the child’s spiritual journey and connection to the divine. The rituals performed during the ceremony are meant to sanctify the child’s life and initiate them into the spiritual traditions of the family.
“Naamkaran” is a term derived from Sanskrit, where “Naam” means “name” and “Karan” means “to make” or “to create.” Therefore, “Naamkaran” translates to “naming” or “the creation of a name.” It refers to the Hindu naming ceremony performed for newborn babies, marking the formal bestowal of a name upon the child. This ceremony is an important cultural and religious ritual, symbolizing the child’s identity and place within the family and society.
The pooja (ritual) for Naamkaran involves several key steps and rituals to formally bestow a name upon a newborn. Here’s a general outline of the ceremony:
Preparation: The house is cleaned and decorated for the ceremony. A suitable place, often a home altar or a decorated area, is chosen for performing the pooja.
Puja Samagri (Materials): Items such as flowers, incense sticks, lamps, rice grains, turmeric, vermillion, holy water, betel leaves, coconut, fruits, sweets, and a conch shell are gathered for the rituals.
Invoking the Deities: The ceremony begins with the invocation of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, followed by prayers to other deities seeking their blessings for the child.
Sankalpa (Resolution): The parents, along with the priest, make a vow (sankalpa) to perform the Naamkaran ceremony for the well-being of the child.
Homa (Sacred Fire Ritual): A sacred fire is lit, and offerings are made to the fire while chanting Vedic mantras. This is done to purify the surroundings and seek divine blessings.
Naming the Child: The chosen name, which is often based on astrological considerations or family traditions, is whispered into the child’s ear by the father or a respected elder. The name is then announced to the gathered family and friends.
Blessings and Aarti: Family members and guests bless the child by applying a tilak (a mark made with turmeric or vermillion) on the forehead and showering rice grains or flowers. An aarti (a devotional song) is performed, and the child is shown a lit lamp to ward off evil.
Prasad Distribution: Sweets and fruits offered during the pooja are distributed as prasad (blessed food) to all the attendees.
Feast: The ceremony often concludes with a celebratory meal shared with family and friends.
The rituals in a naming ceremony, or Naamkaran, vary by region and tradition, but generally include the following steps:
Preparation: The home or ceremony venue is cleaned and decorated. An auspicious time (muhurat) is chosen for the ceremony, often based on astrological charts.
Invocation of Deities: The ceremony begins with the invocation of Lord Ganesha to remove obstacles and bring auspiciousness. Prayers may also be offered to other deities.
Sankalpa (Resolution): The parents or the officiating priest make a sankalpa, or vow, to perform the Naamkaran ceremony for the child’s well-being.
Homa (Sacred Fire Ritual): A sacred fire is lit, and offerings are made to the fire while chanting Vedic mantras. This purifies the surroundings and seeks divine blessings for the child.
Namkaran (Naming): The chosen name is whispered into the child’s ear by the father or a senior family member. This name is then announced to all the guests. The name is often selected based on astrological signs, family traditions, or meanings that the parents wish to bestow upon the child.
Tilak and Aarti: A tilak (mark) of turmeric, sandalwood paste, or vermillion is applied to the child’s forehead. An aarti (a devotional song with a lit lamp) is performed to seek blessings and ward off negative energies.
Blessing the Child: Family members and guests bless the child by showering rice grains, flower petals, or akshata (rice mixed with turmeric). They may also offer gifts to the child.
Prasad Distribution: Sweets, fruits, and other offerings made during the pooja are distributed as prasad (blessed food) to the attendees.
Feast and Celebration: The ceremony often concludes with a meal shared with family and friends, celebrating the new addition to the family.